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Educazione Alimentare e Dieta Mediterranea

Il percorso didattico vuole far comprendere i principi di una sana alimentazione, guidare gli alunni e le loro famiglie alla scelta degli alimenti, valorizzare la Dieta Mediterranea e i prodotti tipici del nostro territorio.         In collaborazione...

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It is a creative workshop inspired by the homonymous television broadcast. The workshop aims to provide a fun opportunity to develop creativity and imagination by making cheerful volcanoes or fanciful elephants to take home as...

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A real “Journey to the Earth” to find out how volcanoes are formed, how and why earthquakes occur and explain the theories of the origin of the Earth, plate tectonics and continental drift. All about the scientific, cultural and historical aspects of Mount...

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The Etna Museum is  a cosy  place for school children, teachers and visitors. Outiside is set a large picnic area to have a snack or have a picnic lunch.

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TEACHER CARD “Friends of the Earth”

Teachers are always welcome guests. The Teacher Card “Friends of the Earth” given by the museum as a gift allows to receive didactic files , special discounts and...

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Original Angelo D’Arrigo’s hang-glider

The large central room exposes the original Angelo D’Arrigo’s hang-glider with its movie and an exhibition space dedicated to the exploits of the legendary naturalist aviator. Angelo D’arrigo died in 2006 and he has been referred to as the ” Human Condor” for his research on birds of prey of the Andes in flight and for his great feats who had seen him engaged in free flight on the highest peaks of the world. He was the first to...

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Cinema 3D

Tramite gli appositi occhiali e la tecnologia di ultimissima generazione, vi offre una serie di effetti spettacolari dal forte coinvolgimento emotivo. Nella 2° sala cinema vengono proiettati divertenti filmati sui Vulcani del...

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Area esterna attrezzata

Il Museo dell’Etna è accogliente dentro e fuori: per i piccoli alunni, i docenti e i visitatori è allestita un’ampia area esterna, dotata di ogni comfort, per fare merenda o consumare il pranzo al sacco alle pendici del...

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Lab. Art Attack

Laboratorio creativo Art Attack ispirato all’omonima trasmissione televisiva. Il laboratorio ha lo scopo di offrire con professionalità e qualità un’occasione divertente per sviluppare creatività e fantasia, facendo realizzare allegri vulcani o fantasiosi elefantini da portare a casa come...

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Teacher Card

Gli insegnanti sono da sempre ospiti graditi e interlocutori privilegiati. La Teacher Card di Amici della Terra, offerta in regalo dal museo, consente di ricevere approfondimenti sui vari argomenti, schede didattiche e particolari sconti e...

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Who we are

Friends of the Earth International is the world’s largest grassroots environmental network.

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Etna as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Etna was at last added to the list of the world heritage sites by UNESCO.

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Location per eventi

Le sale del Museo dell'Etna diventano anche suggestive location per ospitare eventi e iniziative di prestigio.

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Virtual Tour

Enter the fascinating world of volcanoes: have a virtual visit of the museum thanks to the Google Virtual Tour. Move in 3D by following the arrows you will find along the route

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Prize “RAI Il Grillo”

The Etnamuseum is the largest volcanological museum in Italy. In 2012 the institution received a prestigious prize from the Italian Television, "Il Grillo" for high quality standard of educational activities.

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